Sunday, March 31, 2013

"...the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;"

(quote from Song of Solomon 2:11

 Daffodils blooming in the last few days of march
It is my goal to post one or two pictures a day, or at least maybe a discussion point.  I had planned on making my yellow old daffodil(I think it is an old King Alfred, which cannot be bought in stores now) the first picture from my garden 2013.  The buds were poised to open for about week, but cold weather made me wait and wait for them.  The brave pansies soldiered through the winter and were cheerful looking from January and continue to warm my heart.  What is it about the pure vibrant shade of yellow that only a daffodil can achieve, that is so wonderful?  It is not a color that I would paint a room of a house, or a wall of one, but I cannot get enough of it on these floral trumpets.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Obsession

Whoever sees this blog, this is just my outlet.  I am absolutely in love with roses.  Always have been!  Ever since my mom read me, "The Secret Garden"  I have had a love for botany.  All the pictures of flowers that I post are from my garden.  I may post some others from other gardens, but I will give honor to whom honor is due.  There will be other things too, besides roses, maybe a couple discussions, I don't know.  But for now, let my first post be about roses!